Friday 15 May 2015

Printers… aaargh!

Printers are the bane of my life… not piddly inkjet desktop things that gather dust on your desk next to your monitor screen but the big wide format types that, regardless of manufacturer are often over-engineered by enthusiastic Asian genius types.

They come with all kinds of calibration methodologies, that are only understood by a privileged few that have to pass them onto poor unfortunately sods like me, whom they seem to think have loads of time to spend using them to troubleshoot print quality problems that arise.

I use these calibration methods and they never seem to work, in fact, they often make my test prints worse, forcing me to set them back to what they were. It's a proper Sod's Law situation because there I am, trying to do the correct procedure by doing what I've been trained to do and it doesn't bloody well work! Kind of like trying to lose weight only to find you've gained weight next time you weigh yourself.

So now I'm forced to print a job uni-directionally which takes twice the amount of time… and no solution to my problem.

Fucking hate printers.