Saturday 30 July 2016

Pokemons in my Pub!

Caught these two little buggers whilst out one night last week...

Tried to steal my pint!

...and an Eevee, serving behind the bar!

Naturally I caught them both, loads kept popping up because someone baited a nearby Pokestop... hmm I wonder who that was?!

Saturday 23 July 2016

It's funny how these things work out...

Tonight I watched three DVD's...

The first one was They Live, starring Roddy Piper and Keith David... the second one was Pitch Black, starring Vin Diesel and Rhada Mitchell... and Keith David. The third one was Man on Fire, starring Denzel Washington and... Rhada Mitchell!

So three films, with each following film containing a secondary billing actor from the previous film!!

Film 1. Keith David -> Film 2. Keith David, Rhada Mitchell -> Film 3. Rhada Mitchell

I swear I never set out to do that, I just picked three DVD's from my collection (TV tonight was crap) that I hadn't seen for a while and watched them in a random order, it really is strange how these things work out.

Kevin Bacon, go fuck yourself with your six degrees of separation.

Tuesday 19 July 2016

It's official, car parks are INFESTED with Pokemons!

Yep, during my Pokemon-catching travels I can confirm that for some bizarre reason, whenever you walk through a car park, you are SURROUNDED by wild Pokemons!

When I got out of my car last Friday evening to do some shopping at my local Tesco I had four around me, including this guy:

A Drowzee... and like other Pokemon, seems
to have a passion for car parks!

Also happened to me this morning as I walked through my local Park's car park, it's like they have a fetish for all those cars and white lines!

Saturday 16 July 2016

Pokemon Go

Been playing it since it came out here in the UK... absolutely loving it!

I spent 2 hours early Saturday morning Pokemon hunting and I mean, we're talking 12km walking. I got a fair few Pokemons plus a few 'undiscovered' so I thought it was a good day... i.e. I got plenty of exercise!

Went to a party later on in the evening, didn't really play it then however whilst mingling at this party I overheard a couple talking about 'catching Squirtle', I couldn't help myself and mentioned to them, in passing, that I'm a fan of the game... I got such a disgusting look from both of them that I thought I'd best move along and head back to the bar!

Shit man, if gaming has gotten to that stage of social interaction I wonder what the hell the future has for humantity.

Edit: Actually, from what I remember of that evening (and I HAD been drinking all day) possibly my statement to that couple that the general vicinity around us had 'fuck all decent Pokemons' probably earned that disgusted look. Yes I had checked earlier whilst waiting to be served at the bar.

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Star Trek: Enterprise

Why is it that whenever I hear the theme tune to Star Trek: Enterprise I want to raise my arms above my head and wave them sideways, like people do at concerts... usually with a lit lighter in one of their hands?

Tuesday 5 July 2016

True Geekdom

Last night I was happily watching a Star Trek Voyager episode (Scorpion: Part 1, one of my favourites, Netflix now has the entire series, yay!)

Whilst watching I thought I'd open an app on my smartphone that enables me to remotely check one of the large format printers I use at work as it was still printing a big job when I'd left earlier. Much to my dismay it indicated an error: 'Substrate Jam'.

"Bugger," I thought, "the printhead may be out of it's capping station and jammed against the media." It was late but I feared I'd have a sleepless night knowing that those printheads would be drying-up, becoming clogged and possibly unrecoverable.

"What would Captain Janeway do?" I thought. No, scratch that... I didn't think that at all. I jumped in my car and headed back to work. When I got there I found that the printer's printhead was back in it's capping station and that the error was down to running out of media. So no worries there...

I locked-up and headed home, via the motorway as I felt like the need for speed! Whilst on the motorway I passed a Royal Mail lorry, which reminded me that I'd been waiting for a replacement part to mend my toilet and it's delivery had been delayed by them for whatever retarded reason. "WHERE"S MY FUCKING TOILET PART YOU BASTARD!" I yelled as I passed... I'd had a stressful day and needed to get that out. Anyway I got home (albeit late), went to bed, got out my Kindle Fire tablet and spent half-an-hour lurking on 4Chan's /b/ image board. If I'd had a hot pocket and a glass of Gatoraid my geekness would have gone through the roof...

Start Trek, an app that remotely monitors printers, parts to repair a toilet and 4Chan... so goes my life.

Saturday 2 July 2016

Codehatch... you suck!

I run my own Reign of Kings server... have done since since the start of the year and everytime they bring out a patch they fuck the game up!

This time it's version R8, according the tech support I run my server with R8 has broken standalone RoK servers and now we're entirely at the mercy of the Codehatch devs waiting for them to issue a fix.

Nice work Codehatch, I'd compare you to the England footy squad but I think that would be just too cruel.

I'll settle for just calling you all shit instead.