Saturday 16 July 2016

Pokemon Go

Been playing it since it came out here in the UK... absolutely loving it!

I spent 2 hours early Saturday morning Pokemon hunting and I mean, we're talking 12km walking. I got a fair few Pokemons plus a few 'undiscovered' so I thought it was a good day... i.e. I got plenty of exercise!

Went to a party later on in the evening, didn't really play it then however whilst mingling at this party I overheard a couple talking about 'catching Squirtle', I couldn't help myself and mentioned to them, in passing, that I'm a fan of the game... I got such a disgusting look from both of them that I thought I'd best move along and head back to the bar!

Shit man, if gaming has gotten to that stage of social interaction I wonder what the hell the future has for humantity.

Edit: Actually, from what I remember of that evening (and I HAD been drinking all day) possibly my statement to that couple that the general vicinity around us had 'fuck all decent Pokemons' probably earned that disgusted look. Yes I had checked earlier whilst waiting to be served at the bar.