Friday 18 March 2016

RIP Fawlty Towers

I've just read a report that the Torquay hotel (called the Gleneagles Hotel) that gave John Cleese the inspiration to create the series Fawlty Towers is to be demolished in order to make way for a retirement home.

Whilst I recognise the need for us to house our old and infirm in comfortable surroundings... it does sound a bit much that the firm that bought the place - Churchill Retirement Living - simply announced the date when the bulldozers would be moving in without so much as a mention to the cultural significance of the area.

Probably the people that run Churchill Retirement Living watch pap like Big Brother or some other shite reality TV series and have never even heard of Fawlty Towers.

Would be funny if someone was to run up to one of their JCB's and start whipping it with a tree branch.

Saturday 12 March 2016

Another Day of Rugby Watching #2

Okay, back home and in a local pub, thanks to a train and a couple of taxi rides, we could have avoided at least one of those taxis but we misjudged the train times...

Ah whatever, I'm back in a pub, half-pissed and happy with the days' Rugby results.

Another Day of Rugby Watching

Phew! Two victories - Wasps beat Leicester and England beat Wales... and I managed to stay alcohol free!

Well, up to a certain point anyway, I needed a few to calm the nerves during the Egland v Wales game!

Anyway, we're now having a few victory lagers in the Jag Hall whilst we wait for the train home... no doubts we'll all be thoroughly arseholed by the time we leave here... more reports to folllow :)

Friday 11 March 2016


This is my experience of this game - after hours running around slowly dying of hunger, thirst and cold you find a tin of tactical bacon and a jumper.

Not my interpretation of gripping gaming...

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Parliament and so much RAGE!

I was reading about the latest exchanges between our David Cameron and Jeremy Corbyn today and came across this picture of Dominic Raab in the article:

Boy, he looks pissed, he's showing muchos rage... I guess the Brexit debate has everyone looking a bit angry.

Couldn't help myself really...

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Worth Waiting For...

When I'm really thirsty and I'm about to destroy a nice cold drink in front of me, this scene always plays out in my mind when I'm drinking it:

What can I say... I have a vivid imagination!

Tuesday 1 March 2016

SEO - Utter Bollocks

You know, I have spent most of the day doing backend SEO to our works' website and I feel like I have achieved nothing towards getting our site further up in Google's 'esteemed' search results.

Do large organisations like HP or Amazon spend time doing what I've just done?

Do they bollocks... they have better thinks to do, instead they pay Google a generous stipend to have their site hard-coded to be ranked no.1 in the search results.

What's even more annoying is Google telling me that some of my pages are 'not mobile device friendly' even though I have tested them on actual mobile devices and they work fine! God knows what the peons at the Google Chocolate Factory Central have for an idea of what's viewable on a mobile device... I've even tested the pages on a third-party site and it showed they worked fine.

So all the crap you have to read through in Analytics and Webmaster Tools to get your site optimised for the Google spider means utterly nothing and won't help you get your page ranked... it's all about the moolah and how much you're prepared to throw at Google, otherwise it's second, third... or the twentieth page for your site!

So what I'm doing is irrelevant. Yet I toil on in the vain hope that what I've done will make some difference and, when asked, I can honestly say that I've done everything possible to get us up the organic rankings.