Wednesday 25 April 2018

GDPR - the new Data Protection Standard Headache

I'm currently reading-up on GDPR and whilst I wholeheartedly agree with it in principle the legalese used in the EU official documentation kind of goes against GDPR's overall principles of 'transparency' and 'clear, concise language' ... below is an excerpt I've singled out for ridicule:

"A group of undertakings should cover a controlling undertaking and its controlled undertakings, whereby the controlling undertaking should be the undertaking which can exert a dominant influence over the other undertakings by virtue, for example, of ownership, financial participation or the rules which govern it or the power to have personal data protection rules implemented. An undertaking which controls the processing of personal data in undertakings affiliated to it should be regarded, together with those undertakings, as a group of undertakings."

Whoever wrote that paragraph was either extremely anal, or they were a group of very pissed-up people (probably MEP-type civil servants) having a laugh.

Friday 20 April 2018

Finally, some sun!

I'm glad that we've got some good weather at last but one thing really bugs me... there's the usual flood of news articles about 'The hottest day so far..." etc. and those articles show loads of people sunbathing on the beaches or out in parks.

My question is where do these people find the time to do that?! I mean, it was a Thursday, not a weekend, do these people have jobs? Did they throw sickies to go to the beach? The pictures showed thousands upon thousands on those beaches, numbers that you'd see for a typical weekend! I don't get that luxury, being stuck in a dead-end 9-5 job with half-an-hour for lunch, stuck in the middle of a dull grey fucking trading estate in the middle of the country.

What type of jobs do these people have? Flexi-time with a special clause where they can fuck off to any beach whenever the sun comes out? Do the papers have some sort of career beach-bums they pay? That they then send out to sit on these beaches when it's sunny so they can take a photo? Because I find it hard to believe that in a country where working hours are waay more then the rest of Europe loads of people can find the time to trot out our parks and beaches for one day of 25C heat. And don't say they probably did it during their lunch hour because most of these people in the pics looked equipped and prepped for a full day's sunbathing.

Certainly not me, I sat there yesterday, at lunch, eating my soggy roll, reading Google News fuming at these pictures wondering where the fuck these spawny bastards get the time to do stuff like that... the nearest decent bit of green grass I could go to sit on in the sun is more than half-an-hour away.

Fucking spawny sunbathing bastards! I bet they were the same cunts that made pathetic excuses to not go into work when we had all that snow whereas I struggled through it all suffered cancelled and delayed trains etc.

Life isn't fair... I need to make a t-shirt saying that.

Monday 16 April 2018

R Lee Ermey

RIP you magnificent bastard... the world has lost a true hero...

... he's gone and those fucking Kardashians add another number to their spawn, R Lee Ermey showed more talent by a performance in one half of a film than they've done for their entire sad, undeservedly rich lives.

Saturday 14 April 2018

The Last of Us 2

Having watched the second trailer... yes, Ellie, we will, kill them all...


Shit, when did I post this?! I don't remember! Must have been pretty pissed-up a the time...

Blocking New Sources

It gave me an immense sense of achievement to block Financial Times from my newsfeeds in Google News, was so fed-up with their shit appearing all the time. I am not the slightest bit interested in reading journalism from a site that puts up a paywall. Fuck off and find other ways to monetise your site you pink-sheet dipshits.

Oh and I've blocked the Express too bit for different reasons... many, many different reasons.

Saturday 7 April 2018

Start of the 'Walking Season'

Now that there's more daylight and the weather is a bit more agreeable I have started my walking season (roughly between April and October) and I've begun it with a nice easy 10k distance :)

Failbook... and other social media stuff

Ugh... you know I haven't posted to my blog for ages... and I haven't posted anything of value content-wise for even longer than that! But you know, so what? I always remind myself that I created this blog for myself, as a legacy of my ramblings over the years of my life so I have a record that I can read back and amuse myself for when I'm, old infirm and plonked in a chair in some old people's home, quietly pissing myself.

My Blog's remained untouched because I expanded my presence into the world of social media by creating not just a Twitter account but also - by selling my soul to the devil - creating a Facebook account AND an Instagram account.

With Twitter I had a grand vision of moving my quotes and ramblings off Blogger because Google stupidly decided to abandon the IOS Blogger app, forcing me to use Safari which made it so painful to post to Blogger. But I found Twitter too exposing, to wide-ranging for my introverted character and also it's cringe-fest system of having to bow and simper to people to get them to follow you then thumping your chest with regular tweets in a pissing contest with others over how many followers you have. No, fuck that... so I just use it to complain and post the occasional Pokemon Go image/rant, which no-one reads anyway.

With Instagram I simply wanted to throw my photos out there, if there's one thing I WILL brag about myself, it's that I'm an excellent photographer and Instagram, with it's large user-base was a good choice to show off my work... and, to be honest, I've had a fair share of likes but, mostly, my stuff has been ignored, probably because Instagram is so massive so there's too much white noise interference for my content to get lost in... that and those fuckhead Kardashians with their fuckwit talentless posts.

Facebook, (or Failbook as I like to call it) was for a different reason... I'd always prided myself on being resistant to the call to join, citing reasons of privacy... however, despite my reluctance it seemed the only logical way to share my Rewind Weekend photos with the people I shared that weekend with, so I created a Facebook profile for that... I don't regret that decision but I don't enjoy using it so I rarely read it, 'like' stuff or post to it, much to the digital frustration of Facebook's marketing algorithms that regularly whore my profile out I'd wager!

I never intended to use Facebook like I do with Blogger, simply because I think there are too many people flooding their Facebook feeds with inane chat that their Friends probably find dull or possibly even annoying... too many on my feed post political opinions/controversy etc. that I believe they need to keep to themselves, personally I think facebook only should be for families/friends that are separated by great distances to stay more easily in touch but that's just me, Zuckerberg and co. feel otherwise and must feel empowered when they see someone get roasted in replied comments to their opinions on immigration or on some twatty politician's latest ramblings.

So that left Blogger, which I'd abandoned until now... I have come full circle, tried all the other social medai stuff that mattered, found them wanting which brought me back here... nice, safe, quiet Blogger, which no-one reads either!