Friday 20 April 2018

Finally, some sun!

I'm glad that we've got some good weather at last but one thing really bugs me... there's the usual flood of news articles about 'The hottest day so far..." etc. and those articles show loads of people sunbathing on the beaches or out in parks.

My question is where do these people find the time to do that?! I mean, it was a Thursday, not a weekend, do these people have jobs? Did they throw sickies to go to the beach? The pictures showed thousands upon thousands on those beaches, numbers that you'd see for a typical weekend! I don't get that luxury, being stuck in a dead-end 9-5 job with half-an-hour for lunch, stuck in the middle of a dull grey fucking trading estate in the middle of the country.

What type of jobs do these people have? Flexi-time with a special clause where they can fuck off to any beach whenever the sun comes out? Do the papers have some sort of career beach-bums they pay? That they then send out to sit on these beaches when it's sunny so they can take a photo? Because I find it hard to believe that in a country where working hours are waay more then the rest of Europe loads of people can find the time to trot out our parks and beaches for one day of 25C heat. And don't say they probably did it during their lunch hour because most of these people in the pics looked equipped and prepped for a full day's sunbathing.

Certainly not me, I sat there yesterday, at lunch, eating my soggy roll, reading Google News fuming at these pictures wondering where the fuck these spawny bastards get the time to do stuff like that... the nearest decent bit of green grass I could go to sit on in the sun is more than half-an-hour away.

Fucking spawny sunbathing bastards! I bet they were the same cunts that made pathetic excuses to not go into work when we had all that snow whereas I struggled through it all suffered cancelled and delayed trains etc.

Life isn't fair... I need to make a t-shirt saying that.