Friday 29 May 2015

FIFA - same old shit...

I simply cannot believe that dickhead has been re-elected... clearly the retartedness within FIFA runs much deeper than just those officials that were arrested.

They close ranks and issue a big F.U. to the rest of the world, despite having the entire might of the FBI threatening to come down on them, it defies belief!

So what will be on Sepp Twatter's 'To Do' list beginning tomorrow morning? Hmm, maybe:

  1. Laugh loudly in the mirror, shout "TOP KEK", get dressed then get chauffeured in his gold rolls-royce to FIFA centre for a round of verbal blow jobs with his lackeys
  2. Plan a crafty series of "Sweep it all under the carpet" protocols
  3. Initiate his trusty "Do nothing and hope it all blows over" campaign, which has worked many times before
  4. Count his millions