Tuesday 20 October 2015

Yeah, well I won't be buying THAT game ever...

The latest game via Steam Greenlight, called One Life, locks you out of the game when you die in it, so you won't be able to play it again.

So I hand over £10, play it, die in-game at some point and I'm not able to reload it? What a completely, utterly stupid concept for a computer game, I may aswell send just send the devs a tenner and tell them to go do something useful with it, like spend it down the pub!

This is taking reality in gaming too far... there's a fine line between reality and playability, striking that perfect balance takes careful planning. This looks like it was decided on a night out whilst pissed-up and while I'm not averse to funny pissed-up conversations where, occasionally, some good ideas come up, this one deprives people of their hard-earned cash.

I'll be there'll be plenty of Steam refunds going on with that game.