Saturday 31 October 2015

Staying the Course #3

Next pub.

This one is slightly rowdier due to a heady mixture of it being an Irish pub and full of drunken RWC fans, Kiwis or Aussies notwithstanding!

This is a pub that I've boogied in regularly. They play some cracking music.

EDIT: Having said that, I think I've criticised the resident DJ here before about playing too much crappy Reggae stuff, he's just come in and seen me...

EDIT2: Oh yes, and I think this is the place where I caught my cold too!

EDIT3: No-one, touches my pint

EDIT4: Uh-ho, lights have been turned down, music a little louder :)

EDIT5: Better finish my pint and move on, a group of lads have come in and taken the table near me... they are all a lttle too 'refreshed' for my liking... in other words, they'll want the table I'm sat at, which will involve some hitherto conversation that I can't be bothered to engage in.