Sunday 11 October 2015

5p Bag Tax

When our Government announced that all shops in the UK will be charging 5p for plastic bags from the 1st October I thought at the time "No worries, I use my own for when I go grocery shopping..."

But the reality of it hit me when I went into my local town to get some non-grocery items... without a bag.

At first the concept of paying for plastic bag didn't even come into my mind as I strolled nonchalantly towards the shops, I mean, we're all so used to just being given a bag to hold our purchases... so it hit me in Boots as I walked toward the counter with a deodorant stick in my hand, I paid for it and quickly declined a bag as I thought "Ah well, it's small enough to fit in my pocket."

Then I went to HMV, and, browsing through the Blu Ray section, decided to treat myself to their offer of 3 Blu Rays for £20. At the counter as I handed over £20 the girl asked me if I needed a bag, I indicated that I would and she, rather apologetically stated that "They cost 5p" and "Would I like a small or large bag?"... so I found myself fishing in my pocket for 5p and guess what? I didn't have a 5p coin and had to hand over a £1 coin, to which she then handed over 95p's worth of change to weight my pocket down! Now, across the country, THAT is situation most people will find themselves in come Christmas time!

Clearly it will promote cashless payment methods even more now (I chose to use cash because I happened to have it in my pocket). That, or people will hoard 5-pence pieces.

Next, Poundland as I needed some spray bleach, conveniently I'd chosen a large HMV bag so I was able to use that when I paid for my items but what if I'd gone straight there without a bag? I'd have come out with my purchases and 95p in my pocket and that is simply a damned bizarre thing to have coming out of a shop like Poundland!

Finally I decided to get some lunch from Gregg's and, yet again, into the HMV bag went the sausage rolls. "I'm getting used to this." I thought. When I emerged from the shop I looked around and noticed that loads of people carried re-usable bags, "I guess they're all adjusting too!" I said to myself.

So I went home with one bag instead of three, there's environmental changes for the good happening right there folks!

It's not a major inconvenience as far as I see it, certainly not as much as our tabloid press has been banging on about it but it does require me to 're-adjust' my routine a bit. I've been told that some people haven't taken to it at all and staff have had items literally thrown back at them! That's not on at all, if you can't afford 5p for a plastic bag then you shouldn't be out shopping at all. Clearly it's a law aimed at improving the environment and that can only be a good thing.

I think this is as important as the law that banned smoking in pubs, that totally changed our lifestyles for the good and this will too.