Saturday 15 November 2014

First Past the Post

Hello web, this is my first post, although not my first post ever mind you, just the first one for this blog, I've been around the (web)block a bit, mostly lurked here and there in various forums (like most people) but never really contributed anything.

There are millions or perhaps even billions of individuals out there in digispace producing great content to keep those of us that like a cup of tea whilst reading our Kindle/iPad/'Droid device in bed on a Saturday morning regularly enthralled. I'd like to think that I can provide a small contribution to what has become the big brain bucket of humanity!

So this blog will be my diary of thoughts, observations, design ideas, photography, gaming progress etc etc. most of it probably a bit boring but perhaps a few tidbits will reach a dizzy enough height to enthral readers that stumble across it.