Friday 27 February 2015

Ori and the Blind Forest

w00t! It's out on March 11, I've soo been looking forward to this game, I love detailed platformers with a quirkly playstyle - Plok (Nintendo 64), Another World, Flashback, the Rayman series, Abe's Odysee, Shadow Complex, Limbo and, recently, Unmechanical - I've played 'em all and had mixtures and fun and frustration doing so ;)

There's something eminently satisfying in completing a platformer that other game types haven't got. For instance, when I finished campaign mode in COD: Advanced Warfare I was 'ah well, that's that then' whereas when I completed Limbo I felt like going out and celebrating! I guess its the extra mile the devs put for you in the old grey matter department that makes it so satisfying.

Which is probably why I harbour such a deep recurring frustration over never completing Manic Minor.

Thumbsticks at the ready! Wait, is that a bear?