Monday 5 December 2016

Reasons why I don't want to live on this planet anymore #7


Why is it that some vapid (albeit quite fit) stick-insect takes a picture, via her diamond-encrusted smartphone, of her wearing her latest million dollar bling, she puts a burn-in edge filter on it... it then gets millions of hits, and she gets an instant modelling contract, a mansion and a fuck-ton of money.

It COST me £88 to get what I think is a fucking award-winning landscape photograph printed and framed... yet if I posted online (and I'm not going to) I'd get zero hits... and why? Because it's a landscape photograph (too boring), it has no connection whatsoever to reality TV shit, has no fashion bling in it... and contains no pouting fit vapid stick-insect.

I'm not jealous of their success via Instagram... I'm just annoyed that half as much effort seems to get double the amount of reward these days. For example, there must be millions of truly talented artists out there who went through the mill to get to where they are but are constantly trumped by someone with a smartphone app and privilege to be in places where their photos get viewing hits. As opposed to someone who sits in the undergrowth for an entire day, in the cold, waiting to get that 'one photo' of a Kingfisher, that will (undeservedly) get minimal exposure either in their local paper or 5 minutes of fame in MailOnline only to be obliterated by a cascade of photo-articles about some average shit the Kardashians did.

In my humble opinion humanity's collective taste in art photography has gone down the shitter.