Saturday 11 April 2015

Pubs #1 - Solo Drinking

The main problem with drinking solo in a pub, especially a busy one, is that you have to be mobile.

Being mobile means carrying everything with you to the bog because there's no 'wingman' to look after it whilst you're there.

It also means that any seat you get is lost when you return and you have to start again, i.e. head to the bar, get another drink, then wait to strike like a praying mantis when a seat becomes available but only to lose it again when nature calls!

Sometimes I'll get two pints instead of one, for two reasons: 1. It looks like I've got someone on their way and I'm getting one in for them and 2. It saves me an additional trip to the bar, I can also leave both pints there when going for a piss and it lessens the chance my seat gets taken 'cos people think more than one person is sat there... also, and this is dependent on the time and the pub's location, I'll leave my jacket too.

Yep, solo drinking certainly has it's strategies.