Thursday 16 April 2015

A Healthier Diet

Recently I've been readjusting my diet, for two reasons: 1. To accommodate my medical condition and, 2. To help lose weight.

Part of it has been experimenting with fruit and vegetable smoothies.

Up until now I've stuck to safe variations of bananas, yoghurt, apple etc. but they can often be loaded with sugar so I've turned to more vegetable-based smoothies and I read about one that combined Beetroots, Carrots and Pomegranates.

So I get the ingredients, wash them thoroughly, chop them up (which included an interesting dissection of a Pomegranate and it's seeds) and blend them together, the result was a very red fibrous liquid that looked disgusting and guess what? It tasted fucking disgusting too…

Back to the drawing board with that one, I think it's the amounts I put in rather than the combination itself, probably less Beetroot and more Carrot to try and get rid of the earthy taste.

I've also cut down on how much sugar I have in my tea, and, guess what? Tea taste's fucking disgusting now but I shall slog on regardless!