Saturday 25 April 2015

A violent introduction to DayZ

I've started playing DayZ.

£11 via Steam looked like a good deal, plus I've got a couple of friends into it so it was a no brainer really, however the gameplay certainly isn't.

I'd seen plenty of people play it via Twitch and read many strategy articles so I knew that when I spawned into my first game my priority was to start looking for loot... it was pitch black so I could see sod all but I could hear the sea behind me so I cautiously made my way off the beach towards what looked like a structure of some kind and was immediately set upon by two Zombies... I didn't survive long.

The next two attempts I survived long enough to scavenge a hard hat, some work gloves and an iron bar, which help me survive a couple of Zombie attacks but I bled out and became unconscious so I had to respawn and try again, and again, and again...

In fact, that is pretty much DayZ is - repetition, repetition, until you are lucky enough to survive long enough to collect enough of a variety of food, water containers, medicines, weapons (and a backpack to carry it all), to help you survive. Until, of course, some nob comes along and snipes you with a headshot from a distance and steals all your shit because as well as dealing with bloody hard NPC Zombies there are other gamers on the server and they're all looking to rob you senseless

It's a pity they have that attitude but from what I've gathered a collective element of pure distrust has manifested in the game since it was launched. So much now that if gamers see each other they shoot first and ask questions later, rather than in the early days when they helped each other (or so I was told).

Anyway after playing it of a couple of hours today, my friend and I have collected a sizeable amount of loot between us so I'm hoping that we can survive enough in future sessions to see more of the DayZ land!