Saturday 3 September 2016

A productive Saturday?

I had a great day today [sarcasm mode engaged]

As the weekend approached I looked at the weather and was not surprised to see it change from hot beautiful sunny weather during the working week to foul wet shitty stuff for the weekend... and I wanted to do a long walk and get some productive Pokemon hunting done.

Early Saturday morning showed a beautiful blue sky so, hoping the forecast was wrong I leapt out of bed, showered, dressed and headed to the train station with the express intention of doing at least a 6k walk around the city. By the time the train arrived in the city it was spitting with rain... by the time I'd finished my walk (around 7km) it was pissing it down and I was soaked.

Fuck British weather.

Totally fed-up I decided to go home, get some groceries and do some gaming... I got the groceries but I've spent my entire afternoon and some of the evening troubleshooting some retarded problem with my PC's BIOS but it took me a couple of hours to narrow it down to the damned BIOS and even now I'm not confident it's fixed.

So I got soaked all because I tried to do the right thing by getting some exercise rather than lounging in front of the TV all day and when I DO decide to do the WRONG thing (most liberal cunts will tell you it's bad for people to be gaming) my PC is in bits all over my lounge floor and I CAN'T FUCKING PLAY ANY GAMES ANYWAY!

So it's back to my trusty XBox and PS3... oh and Netflix I suppose...

Anyway my point is that I've had a shitty last couple of weeks at work rounded off by a shitty weekend so far, mostly ruined by ass, shitty weather.

Fuck you life.