Wednesday 22 June 2016

Glastonbury Festival

Ahh the annual human petri dish that is the Glastonbury Festival takes place this weekend... thousands of people will get together in an alcohol, drugs and disease-ridden mud bath to be entertained by Worthy Farm's best efforts at getting the latest and greatest onto their stages.

I won't be going... in fact I'd rather take a cheese grater to my nut sack than go to that shit hole.

I'm convinced that Glastonbury contributes greatly to the spread of the new common cold strains (and other viruses) across the country. Imagine it - thousands of sweaty heaving masses all in very close proximity, their disease resistance lowered by alcohol and/or drug abuse and a poor food diet making them susceptible to all kinds of bugs. These, of course incubate, mutate into new strains and, 48 hours later, when the Festival is over all these people are spread across the four corners of the UK (and beyond) where they are ripe to pass on what they've caught... and voila! A whole new round of colds/flu for the Autumn/Winter season, all over the country.

I realise that Glastonbury is an important cultural event for many people, even if it only means getting shit faced, never leaving your tent and never seeing any live acts it is an important event for people to look forward to and I accept that but it's definitely NOT my cup of tea. Unless I rocked up there in full NBC gear... shit, it makes me shudder just looking at those people wading through the mud even from the comfort of my own home!

Of course I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't mention that I went to Rewind last year which is sort of a 'mini' Glastonbury but I have to point out that Rewind, to me, is way posher and has fewer people. So there.