Wednesday 9 September 2015

Hangover from HELL

I have just about recovered from quite possibly one of the worst hangovers I've ever had... and I've had LOTS.

Said hangover being the result of one heck of a day's drinking in around Twickenham Stadium, some of London and back around my home town... I woke up on my settee 6am Sunday morning, TV still on and the remnants of a kebab all over me. How I got back from London, let alone purchased and ate a kebab is a mystery that will haunt me for the rest of my life.

Sunday was a right-off... Monday and Tuesday were too although I managed to get to work, good job I was busy enough to forget about the pain and dulness

I've really only been able to be properly aware of my surroundings today and had enough wits about me to write this blog entry.