Wednesday 11 October 2017

Star Wars - The Last Jedi Scramble

Wow, lots of people pre-ordering tickets for the latest Star Wars film?? Don't get me wrong I love the franchise and I will be going to see it, but not when it comes out. I can't stand sharing a packed out cinema full of idiots making small-talk or on their phones (a least one person forgets to put their's on silent), constant sounds of rustling as they tuck into their overpriced Popcorn/Doritos or bags of M&M's... and I invariably get the 8ft twat with a bouffant sat in front of me so I have to suffer a silhouetted 'hump' jutting up from the bottom of the screen for the entirety of the film.

No, better to go in the New Year when the number of interested parties has thinned out some, then we (me and my brother) get a nice nearly-empty theatre of like-minded individuals who want to enjoy a good Star Wars flick with no twat-ish behaviour.