Saturday 26 November 2016

Waitrose /fail

The other day I read about a great sounding smoothie so I wrote the ingredients down and went looking for them when I was in Waitrose doing my weekly grocery shop.

I managed to find one lousy tin of peaches - just one out the four required, they either didn't have them in stock or didn't supply them at all. So much for my well-to-do healthy smoothie... fucks sake.

That always bloody happens to me and it's not just Waitrose but any supermarket, I never get them all and am forced to compromise by getting something close to what's required resulting in a smoothie/meal that tastes like shit.

...and while I'm at it I'm thoroughly fed-up of reading about or seeing on TV all those celebrity chefs or food-writers banging on about some poncy dish that requires ingredients that you have to go to some Armenian grocery store located in the back'o beyond to get... and then dictating to us that 'TV dinners are bad for you...' etc etc

I happen to like TV dinners and I do plenty of walking to burn off the calories... I'm happy with my diet and having quick dinners suits my working lifestyle.

To all the celebrity chefs/food writers: Go fuck yourselves.