Friday 12 June 2015

A Little Piece of History

When people talk about history it's usually stuff like what Richard III liked to read when he was taking a shit, or fossils purporting to be from some bigass dinosaur… you know, stuff that only revered historians or palaeontologists talk about, not really the stuff that plebs like you or myself can ever know or understand.

However what I found whilst rooting around some drawers at work the other day is a little piece of history that CAN be related to and understood by most people, well, people who grew up in the 80's at least - a Betamax video cassette! Now this is a relic that can be held by someone from the 80's and bring back a flood of memories (fond or not).

I think it's safe to say it hasn't got JLaw's tits recorded on it...

Of course I nor anyone else at my workplace has a Betamax player so we can only guess as to what's on it, probably nothing juicy though considering what we do for a living but I'm tempted to get one so I can see what's on it!