Friday 16 June 2017

Niantic are preparing for a major change to Pokemon GO gyms...

Rumour has it that a multiplayer element is possibly being added... great, so now instead of having to wade through stacks of hacked Dragonites and Blisseys offline I'll have to live-battle against and get owned by some snotty fourteen-year-old's 3000cp Dragonite that the spawny little git got from a 10k egg that he/she walked off by strapping their phone to a turntable.

"The capture mechanic is fun, but you’re a lone wolf, you’re going out there on your own.." says Niantic. "Maybe you’re with friends, but there’s not that, kind of, connected experience. We think there is an opportunity for collaboration in that area, but more to come on that.”

"FUCK OFF!" I like being a 'Lone Wolf'!! I realise Pokemon GO puts you out and about in public but this game is my me time and I don't want it to involve other people. So I really really hope Niantic aren't going to nerf Pokemon GO to such an extent that I'll be forced to have to speak to people!

Aah well... to cheer myself up I drew a Snorlax... and here it is...