Monday 25 April 2016

Game of Thrones S6 EP1 /FAIL!

Accessed my Sky HD box to start the first recording of season 6 this evening only to discover that the word 'FAIL' listed next to the recording. Fucking Sky and their piece-of-shit hardware.

Game of Thrones is the ONLY reason I don't fuck my Sky subscription off and as soon as it's finished I will anyway, I'm fed-up with Sky and their overly expensive shit.

Not only have they dumped their overspending in Football coverage onto us poor peon subscribers by increasing the monthly subscription, again. They have also, in my opinion, increased the amount of bloody annoying ad-breaks, it's a total fucking joke.

I'd rather spend the £100-odd quid a month they're fleecing me with down the pub.

I'm now downloaded S6 EP1 via On Demand, I'm only watching it tonight in case I find myself reading some retard journalist's 'review' of it which will probably contain an ass-load of spoilers. I've already seen two articles picked out by Google in their News section that threatened to reveal spoilers.

Grr I'm angry tonight.